Friday, April 24, 2009

Weird Phenomena: Natural Fountains

Nature itself provides the most dramatic spectacles. Natural fountains are some of the most unusual phenomena in the world. They can shoot water or water-like things hundreds of feet into the sky in violent eruptions. While some of them last only a few minutes, some last for days. Or some almost never stop, but some erupt and then stay dormant for years or even decades.

It is impossible for everybody to observe the rare phenomena. However, we do have the chance to appreciate the natural wonder from the web. The simple peace and visual joy will touch you deeply.

a Geyer in Nevada, USA

The Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, USA

Fountain-like Erruption of a Volcano

Geyser in Yamzho Yum, Tibet, China

Universe Fountain shot by Humble Telescope

Springs-fountains beneath Arctic Ocean

Ice Fountains on Saturns


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fountain Statues

Originally, water fountains were the objects of necessity and utility. In ancient times, as water fountains contained the important water resource, which everybody could share, they were always placed at the center of communities. Therefore, everyone had the easy access to water for drinking, washing or storage.

As time goes by, with the popularity of indoor plumbing, the utility for water fountains is of the past. Due to their preponderant positions, outdoor fountains become the showcases for artists' masterpieces. The statues on them depicted various stories, the artists, the ages, etc. Here, let's enjoy the beauty of some statues and step into the artists' spiritual worlds together.

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